Irmão Beach Club

Wide view of Praia Irmão beach, featuring the restaurant, metal palm trees, and Gypsy saloons.
Take time to make time and enjoy yourself
Prenez le temps de profiter et savourez chaque instant
Reserve tempo para aproveitar o momento
Immerse yourself in what brings you joy – feel the sandy beach under your feet, let your hair get salty, and appreciate the stunning natural beauty bestowed by Mother Nature.

Our beach is currently undergoing its seasonal transformation. Soon, it will be back in full swing, ready to welcome you for unforgettable moments under the sun. Stay tuned beautiful Souls of Irmão!
Imprégnez-vous de ce qui vous rend heureux : sentez le sable sous vos pieds, la brise dans vos cheveux, et appréciez la beauté naturelle offerte par Dame Nature.

Notre plage est en pleine transformation saisonnière. Très bientôt, elle sera de retour, prête à vous accueillir pour des moments inoubliables sous le soleil. Restez à l'écoute, beautiful Souls of Irmão !
Mergulhe naquilo que lhe traz alegria - sinta a areia da praia nos seus pés, deixe o seu cabelo ficar salgado e aprecie a beleza deslumbrante concedida pela Mãe Natureza.

A nossa praia está atualmente a passar pela sua transformação sazonal. Em breve, estará de volta em pleno, pronta para vos receber para momentos inesquecíveis ao sol. Fiquem atentos, beautiful Souls of Irmão!

Beach Bed

Beach Life & Surf Culture

Beach life & surf culture
Book your surf lesson with our partner.
Well, you know that when we're not with you we spend our time surfing, right? For those who would like to join, you can book your surf lesson with our partner Go Surf Lisboa, situated right next to our Place of Happiness!
People walking toward the ocean to surf, while others warm up.